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Lesotho - Gross fixed capital formation (% GDP)

31 (% of GDP) in 2018

Gross fixed capital formation (formerly gross domestic fixed investment) includes land improvements (fences, ditches, drains, and so on); plant, machinery, and equipment purchases; and the construction of roads, railways, and the like, including schools, offices, hospitals, private residential dwellings, and commercial and industrial buildings. According to the 1993 SNA, net acquisitions of valuables are also considered capital formation. Annual real growth rates (%). Source: national sources, international sources (UN, Wbank, IMF) and ADB estimates.

Date Value Change, %
2018 31 2.16%
2017 30 4.69%
2016 29 0.11%
2015 29 5.62%
2014 27 -10.88%
2013 30 -3.57%
2012 32 4.36%
2011 30 23.25%
2010 24 -1.46%
2009 25 -10.01%
2008 28 14.08%
2007 24

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