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Lesotho - Foreign Direct Investment Inflows from All Donors (Cur, US $)

132,240,000.0 (Current US$) in 2016

Direct investment comprises financing by an entity resident in a reporting country which has the objective of obtaining or retaining a lasting interest in an entity resident in an aid recipient country. “Lasting interest” implies a long-term relationship where the direct investor has a significant influence on the management of the enterprise, reflected by ownership of at least ten per cent of the shares of the enterprise, or the equivalent in voting power or other means of control. Source :UNCTAD, FDI Online Database. Data are in current U.S. dollars..

Date Value Change, %
2016 132,240,000.0 -21.75%
2015 169,000,000.0 4.32%
2014 162,000,000.0 31.71%
2013 123,000,000.0 -10.87%
2012 138,000,000.0 -7.38%
2011 149,000,000.0 192.16%
2010 51,000,000.0 -44.57%
2009 92,000,000.0 -52.58%
2008 194,031,000.0 85.96%
2007 104,340,000.0 79.17%
2006 58,233,600.0 100.94%
2005 28,980,400.0

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